Thursday, January 9, 2020

Using Games To Enhance Math Instruction Essay examples

Preliminary Report Section 1: The Early years of school is the beginning of every child’s educational journey. Whilst teaching this group I have often wondered about the pedagogical nature of using games to enhance mathematical learning. I believe that games have an effective way of engaging children, but do they really enhance a child’s mathematical understanding of the concept/s being explored? I intend on reviewing research literature that focuses on the use of games in the mathematics curriculum and how it nurtures quality learning. Children are active learners who create, modify and integrate ideas by interacting with the physical†¦show more content†¦All children have a preparedness, curiosity and interest in constructing their learning, negotiating and everything their environment brings them Gandini, L. (1993). The guidelines advocate for play based learning and recognise that through play children learn numeracy practices, they develop thinking and problem-solving strategies. The EYCG identifies 6 types of play socio-dramatic, fantasy, exploratory, manipulative, physical and games with rules. Do these types of play enable children to explore and extend their mathematical understanding with any new concepts? In the early learning area (ELA) Early Mathematical Understanding (EMU), the focus is on children investigating their environment and communicating their mathematical ideas. Therefor e if children are working in groups playing games of a mathematical nature are they able to investigate and communicate their ideas and understanding? I would like to know if literature supports this type of learning as effective as opposed to a child working individually with a worksheet and teacher instruction. When children are playing games they are having fun and are actively involving themselves in a number of life long learning skills. For instance as aShow MoreRelatedDescribe The Math Concept Taught1248 Words   |  5 Pages1) Maths (43.37 min.) Primary level - a. 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