Sunday, February 2, 2020

Healt effect of Roundup Ready Crops Research Paper

Healt effect of Roundup Ready Crops - Research Paper Example This report provides research that Roundup Ready crops have not proven safe for consumption. The primary audience for this paper is the consumers of Roundup Ready crops, with at least a high school diploma, some college education and perhaps a college degree. The audience may also be interested in gaining knowledge concerning the side effects from the consumption of Roundup Ready crops. More importantly, my instructor Robert Crane is also my audience for this paper. The purpose of this paper is to educate consumers about the adverse health effects that are caused by the consumption of Roundup Ready crops grown by genetically modified seeds. This paper will present research that has proven Roundup Ready crops and the residues left behind from spraying crops with Roundup can have adverse long term health implications. The various types of health effects will also be presented within this paper. The current report explored the viewpoints from authors who directly disagree as well asthose who directly agree with the thesis statement. The report concluded that there are a lot of recent articles that argue in favor of the thesis statement.Furthermore, the articles that argue against the thesis statement were harder to find and many of those articles were not as recent as articles that have been published supporting the thesis. The World Health Organization has reported that all genetically modified organisms including Roundup ready crops that are currently sold in the international markets today have all passed the risk assessment tests required to receive a permit to conduct such business(Domingo, 2007). According to the research from a 13 week study performed by Hammond et al. (2004) on two groups of Sprague Dawley rats did not show any significant health effects in either the control or non-control groups.Carpenter (2001)

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