Saturday, May 9, 2020

The Futile Search For Reason - 1348 Words

Anusha Fatehpuria Harlin World Literature 3 March 2017 The Futile Search For Reason The core idea of Albert Camus’ philosophy of absurdity centralizes upon the idea that humans exist in a meaningless universe, and follows that humans must simply accept this fact to live life to the fullest. In addition to this absurdist notion, Albert Camus also uses The Stranger to show how humans still strive to create superficial meaning to fulfill their own personal needs. Through the experiences and interactions in Meursault’s life, Camus illustrates that in spite of how events in life follow no rational order, society attempts to futilely create meaning to explain human existence. Meursault’s lack of motive in the murder of the Arab man illustrates†¦show more content†¦Immediately before shooting, Meursault describes the overbearing effect of his surroundings on his physical existence, saying â€Å"My whole being tensed and I squeezed my hand around the revolver. The trigger gave† (59). When Meursault murders the the Arab man, he is merely reacting to his uncomfort in the extreme heat and sunlight. He says that â€Å"the trigger gave† giving the impression that he was disconnected from this action, not completely aware of what he was doing. As a result, the murder demonstrates how events in life are irrational and take place without reason. When Meursault is on trial for this murder, the evidence used by the prosecution reveals how humans naturally strive to create rationale for events in life where no reason exists. In his closing statement, the prosecutor states that â€Å"[he] accuses this man [Meursault] of burying his mother with crime in his heart† (96). After listening to all of the witness statements and viewing all of the evidence, the prosecutor has been unable to determine a true motive for Meursault murdering the Arab man, so he tries to create his own explanation by claiming that Meursault is an emotionless, dangerous man. The prosecutor is able to create a fictitious argument that Meursault is a criminal, by referring back to Meursault’s mother’s funeral, when he apparently did not react according to societal conventions and showed an indifference combined with disrespectShow MoreRelatedSearch for Immortality Depicted in The Epic of Gilgamesh and The Odyssey852 Words   |  4 PagesTh rough the many of mankind’s tales of adventure the search for immortality is a very common theme. Many heroes have made it the objective of their travels and adventures. This is no different in The Epic of Gilgamesh and The Odyssey. The heroes in both are tempted by the offer of immortality, however each of them turns it down for their own reasons. 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